Legislative News
Friday, March 10, 2023 10:40 AM

Legislative News 2023 | Volume 6

Dear KASC Members,

Only 7 more days in this legislative session ending on March 30 and bills are moving quickly.  Bills must be sent to the Governor by next Thursday, March 16 in order for the House and Senate to override a veto.  

Several Senate education bills passed this week and are heading to the House. (These bills are discussed further in this update.) 

  • SB 156 addresses literacy and creates a new statewide reading research center, passed the Senate and received in the House. 
  • SB 202 school discipline bill allows superintendent to place a student in alternative placement in lieu of expulsion, passed the Senate and received in the House.

These House bills passed and are heading to the Senate:

  • HB 319 teacher shortage bill had several changes this week in committee, has passed the House and heads to the Senate.
  • HB 538 school discipline bill requires a board expel a student for at least 12 months if the student makes threats that pose a danger to students or staff, passed House and received in Senate.
  • HB 470 gender transition bill passed the House with several school related provisions deleted and received in Senate.
  • HB 50 makes school board elections partisan, scheduled for March 9 committee hearing.

Remember - The archived video of committee meetings and floor debates can be found on the KET legislative website.

Monday, March 06, 2023 03:31 PM

Legislative News 2023 | Volume 5


Dear KASC Members,

With just about ten more days to pass bills this legislative session, one of the main bills discussed this week was HB 538 relating to student discipline and providing more options for teachers and school administrators. Proponents of the bill state that schools need more flexibility such as virtual instruction in order to allow teachers to remove a disruptive student.  The discussions included providing for the safety and security of all students and school personnel and also protecting the due process rights of students who are removed from the classroom.  Also addressed were provisions for when students are attending off campus events. On Tuesday, February 28 the bill passed the House Education Committee and heads to the full House for more discussion and a vote.  If the House passes the bill, then the Senate will need to consider HB 538.  Click here to watch archived video of the House Education Committee testimony on HB 538. Today, the Senate Education Committee will hear another student discipline bill SB 202. A summary and link to the bill are provided in the Senate Bills below.  


Another “hot” Education bill, SB 5, has been called a book banning bill but actually extends to challenging to all educational materials.   SB 5 passed the Senate last Friday and has been received in the House.  The bill creates a process for parents to challenge school materials and gives the principal one week to investigate and decide if the material is harmful to minors.  The parents can appeal the principal’s decision to the local school board.  In any case, the parents can request that the school not allow their child to participate or use the materials.   Most schools and school districts currently have instructional materials complaint policies; however, this new law will take precedence if passed.


Remember - The archived video of committee meetings and floor debates can be found on the KET legislative website.

Thursday, February 23, 2023 02:50 PM

Legislative News 2023 | Volume 4

Volume 4| February 23, 2023

Dear KASC Members,

This week the legislature continued to discuss the teacher shortage.  HB 319, a teacher shortage bill, passed the House Education Committee. This bill contains several provisions to bring more teachers into Kentucky classrooms and ease the burden for current teachers.  HB 319 Committee Substitute allows classified employees to perform classroom instructional activities without direct supervision by certified staff (page 46). It provides a one-year interim certificate for individuals with a bachelor degree and four years working in that area. It also adopts the Interstate Teacher Mobility Compact, making it easier for teachers in any eligible state to receive a Kentucky license.  Ten states must adopt the Compact before it takes effect.  HB 319 is now before the full House.    


Also, on Monday KET’s Kentucky Tonight Show featured Kentucky Education Commissioner, legislators and other teacher advocates discussing the teaching shortage and possible solutions. Click here to watch the archived video from this Kentucky Tonight show.


Remember - The archived video of committee meetings and floor debates can be found on the KET legislative website.

Friday, February 17, 2023 11:01 AM

Legislative News 2023 | Volume 3

Dear KASC Members,

Today is Day 11 of the thirty (30) day legislative session and new bills can be filed until February 22.   There have been at least four bills filed this session under the title “parents rights” SB 102, SB 150, HB 173 and HB 177.  In particular, SB 150 is the most active as it was heard last week and again today in the Senate Education Committee.  These bills address a multitude of issues ranging from required policies listing parents rights, issues relating to nicknames and pronouns, complaint procedures for parents with grievances against local schools, private rights of actions for parents, curriculum and instruction limitations, prohibition of KDE guidance in some areas, restroom and dressing room violations, prohibition of drag performances, plus many more issues. Here is a link to KDE Commissioner Glass February 13 Monday Message discussing a misunderstanding of KDE guidance on the use of student’s preferred names and pronouns—one issue addressed in these “parent rights” bills. https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/KYDE/bulletins/3487fa2


Remember - The archived video of committee meetings and floor debates can be found on the KET legislative website.

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