Legislative News
Monday, September 13, 2021 12:13 PM

Legislative News | Special Session Update

The Special Session ended late on Thursday, September 9, 2021 and SB 1 became law.

SB 1 forbids state government from issuing a mask mandate in schools and gave local school districts the authority over masking and other COVID-19 issues. This week each school board in Kentucky will be addressing the masking mandate issue and will post their COVID-19 plan on the district website. 

The legislature met in a special session from September 7-9, 2021 to address online school days, funding, personnel, and masks. (See details on the bills being voted on below.)  In your school, try to avoid this being a divisive, political issue. Instead…

Think about how you can approach the uncertainty and fear of the current situation. Below is sample language and resources to stay focused on the reasons for wearing masks, instead of the arguments for or against them:

“Let’s not lose focus on our student's learning while protecting the health and safety of everyone in our school community. As a community, we can care for each other by wearing masks. This is not anyone’s ideal situation, but we can each do our part to keep each other healthy and learning.”

Tuesday, May 11, 2021 09:09 AM

2021 Legislative Session Summary

The statements below summarize the legal changes most connected to school councils. The actual bills and all the laws are available from the Legislative Research Commission, www.lrc.ky.gov. New laws take effect June 29, 2021, except bills with an emergency clause that became effective immediately.

Friday, January 29, 2021 12:00 AM

Committee System General Assembly

The committee system, required by the constitution, has been developed to screen legislative bills and decide which bills should be considered by the entire body. Typically, education issues are assigned to the education committee but that is not always the case. After a bill is filed the bill is assigned to a committee. The chair of the committee determines which bills will be posted and heard by each committee. At the committee hearing, the legislators will hear both sides of the bill and the chair may allow the public to testify. At the end of the hearing, the chair may call for a vote on the bill and a majority vote means that the committee “reported favorably” on the bill.

The House Education Committee usually meets on Tuesday mornings at 8:00 a.m. during the legislative session. The Senate Education Committee meets on Thursday at 11:30 a.m. during session but committee meeting times may be changed. All committee meetings may be viewed live on KET and are archived as video the following day.

You may contact an individual committee member or the committee membership as a whole by email, letter, or by telephone to the LRC message center 800-372-7181. Hours for the LRC message center are 7 am-9 pm (Mon-Thur) and 7 am-6 pm (Fri).

⇤ Return to Legislative News

Friday, January 29, 2021 12:00 AM

Overturning a Governor's Veto

The Governor must veto bills within 10 days after receiving the bills from the legislature or they automatically become law. Legislators can override a veto with a majority vote of both chambers. Kentucky Constitution section 88.

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