KASC Advice on Conducting SBDM Council Meetings

KASC Advice on Conducting SBDM Council Meetings

Update: 4/2/2020

This week, Governor Beshear signed SB 150 into law, the COVID-19 legislation, which impacts the Open Meetings law and other aspects of state government. The major change for open meetings is that pubic agencies may hold any meeting, regular or special called, by live video teleconference or *live audio teleconference, if the public agency does not have the capacity and availability to provide for live video during the state of emergency.

Councils and committees should not continue to meet in person but provide for members and the public to participate through video teleconferencing  (KRS 61.826). The following steps will help to abide by the Open Meetings Law, Video teleconferencing statute, and SB 150 addressing COVID-19:
  1. Select a platform that will be easily accessible to your council and committee members and the general public. (like Zoom or Skype)
  2. Send out notice of the meeting clearly stating the meeting is a video teleconference,* and make a link available for interested parties to attend. It is best to notify members individually, follow all media requests, and publicize as widely as possible.
  3. If materials are needed for the meeting, provide those in advance through email or on your school website.
  4. At the time of the meeting the chair should ensure you have quorum before making official decisions.



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