"Do-It-Yourself" or We Can Come Lead It For You
KASC offers a wide variety of sessions focused on helping schools reach proficiency. Full Professional Learning Sessions, including all training materials and a detailed facilitator’s guide, allow you to easily lead your staff through either a 3-hour or 6-hour session. Contact our training staff at (859) 238-2188 or E-mail with questions.
View our KASC Workshops Quick Reference Chart for an overview.
ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING — Kentucky teachers are required to use formative assessments in their classrooms. How can educators harness the power of formative assessment to transform the learning process? In this 3-hour session, participants will:
- dig into the “why” behind formative assessment
- experience the impact of formative assessment on the learning process
- walk away with a process for developing quality assessments based on high expectations
- discover options for making formative assessment doable
(Member Pricing: $200 for first set of 20, $100 for each additional set of 10)
HIGHER-LEVEL QUESTIONING WITH QUALITY FEEDBACK — Learn how to raise the level of questioning in the classroom, lead effective discussions to improve student achievement, and provide quality feedback that engages learners. Participants of this 3-hour training will be prepared to design instruction that helps students process at higher levels for greater achievement. (Member Pricing: $200 for first set of 20, $100 for each additional set of 10)
TEACHER’S TOOLBOX — Our Teacher’s Toolbox is a three-hour exploration of the greatest hits of the research-based instructional strategies that teachers request most: student engagement, differentiated instruction, achievement gap closure, growth mindset development, and brain-based discipline techniques. The result: an achievement-focused session where proven strategies are modeled, discussed, and implemented to help teachers reach higher levels. (Member Pricing: $200 for first set of 20, $100 for each additional set of 10)
EFFECTIVE FEEDBACK TO IMPROVE LEARNING — Learn research-based strategies for feedback that propels learners forward. This 3-hour session allows participants to apply the characteristics of effective feedback and provides practice and tools for giving feedback to students. (Member Pricing: $200 for first set of 20, $100 for each additional set of 10)
GROWTH MINDSET: A GAME CHANGER FOR LEARNING — Growth Mindset is defined as the belief that intelligence can be developed with persistence, effort, and focus on improvement. During this 3-hour session, based on the research of Carol Dweck and Mary Cay Ricci, participants will gain an understanding of how a focus on growth mindset helps all students perform, and struggle/mistakes actually help the brain. When students focus on improvement, it can be a game-changer for student success. This workshop will provide specific strategies to use in the classroom and practical ways to get buy-in from students, parents, and school staff. (Member Pricing: $200 for first set of 20, $100 for each additional set of 10)
HIGHER-LEVEL THINKING AND LEARNING — Closing the Gap for All Students — The research is overwhelming; all students CAN learn at higher levels. In this session, you will learn why that is true and how to help students be more successful. Participants will receive specific research-based strategies for raising the level of thinking for all students and closing the achievement gap. (Member Pricing: $200 for first set of 20, $100 for each additional set of 10)
TARGETING THE DISABILITY ACHIEVEMENT GAP— Schools continuously target specific gap populations, but the disability gap is not closing fast enough for students to meet standards. In this 3-hour session, participants will explore common factors that have created opportunity gaps in schools and gain an understanding of how to address those. This interactive workshop will provide instructional strategies that have been proven effective for students with disabilities. (Member Pricing: $200 for first set of 20, $100 for each additional set of 10)
PARAEDUCATORS AS PARTNERS IN INCREASING ACHIEVEMENT – Explore four factors proven to strongly impact student achievement: growth mindset, relationships, student engagement, and feedback. This 3-hour workshop explores the same concepts as KASC’s Proven Ways to Increase Achievement except that the focus is on the paraeducator’s role in the classroom. Paraeducators will be actively involved in activities to deepen their understanding of these research-based factors and will leave with strategies specifically tailored for the roles they play in educating students. (Member Pricing: $125 for first set of 10, $100 for each additional set of 10)
EFFECTIVE STRATEGIES FOR PARAEDUCATORS — Paraeducators are valuable team members in classroom instruction; their daily work with students is critical in a school’s goal of improving student achievement. In this 3- hour workshop, participants will receive research-based strategies for building positive relationships with students and their collaborating teachers, as well as learn specific instructional strategies to use with students. Do not miss out on this opportunity to make sure your entire team has the necessary skills to improve student achievement. (Member Pricing: $125 for first set of 10, $100 for each additional set of 10)

MARZANO BASICS: HIGH YIELD STRATEGIES MARZANO BASICS — Based on Robert Marzano’s Classroom Instruction that Works, this one hour Power Session presents research-backed strategies for improving student achievement, along with their connections to current brain research. Professional Learning sessions tailored to the time you really have available. We give you the digital materials through our Learning Management System (LMS) and the guidance you need to transform an hour-long faculty meeting into a powerful learning experience. (Member: $30 • Non-Member $60)

MARZANO BASICS: SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES: Marzano found that identifying similarities and differences is one of the most effective instructional practices — and when used correctly this strategy results in substantially higher test scores. Learn how. (Member: $30 • Non-Member $60)

MARZANO BASICS: NON-LINGUISTIC REPRESENTATIONS: Marzano’s research pinpoints non-linguistic representations as a strategy allowing students to learn, extend, and demonstrate their understanding through models, pictures, graphics, and movement. Great for addressing a variety of learning styles. Pairs nicely with Similarities and Differences. (Member: $30 • Non-Member $60)
