Kentucky Teacher of the Year prize used to take 28 students to Washington
Photo credit: WDRB, Louisville, KY - Fallon Glick, Reporter
Jessica Dueñas was named the 2019 Kentucky Teacher of the Year, but she's decided to give back to her students with her $20,000 award.
The W.E.B. Dubois Academy teacher is giving the students a free trip to Washington, and she hopes it'll have a lifelong impact. The trip cost almost $800 per student. Twenty-eight young men were chosen by raffle for the scholarship trip to the nation's capital.
"What would be the best thing for a young man in Louisville to experience? Dueñas said. "And I thought a life-changing opportunity like going to Washington, D.C."
Thank you Ms. Dueñas for being an amazing Kentucky teacher and creating amazing opportunities for your students!