On Friday, the College Board released an update on how the Advanced Placement (AP) program is supporting this year’s AP exam administration. Within this email, College Board called out a few bullets that are within the AP Central update page that you can find College Board website. Please be sure to read the entire update, as I’m only including a snippet below.
The AP program will invest heavily over the next month in the following ways:
- For the 2019–2020 exam administration only, students can take a 45-minute online exam at home. Educator-led development committees are currently selecting the exam questions that will be administered. Traditional face-to-face exam administrations will not take place.
- AP curricula are locally developed and we defer to local decisions on how best to help students complete coursework. To be fair to all students, some of whom have lost more instructional time than others, the exam will only include topics and skills most AP teachers and students have already covered in class by early March.
- Colleges support this solution and are committed to ensuring that AP students receive the credit they have worked this year to earn. For decades, colleges have accepted a shortened AP exam for college credit when groups of students have experienced emergencies.
- Students will be able to take these streamlined exams on any device they have access to —computer, tablet or smartphone. Taking a photo of handwritten work also will be an option.
- Free AP Review Classes
- Beginning on March 25, you can attend free, live AP review courses delivered by AP teachers from across the country. These courses:
- Are optional, mobile-friendly and can be used alongside any work an AP teacher may give.
- Will be available on-demand, so you can access them any time.
- Will focus on reviewing the skills and concepts from the first 75% of the course. There also will be some supplementary lessons covering the final 25% of the course.
- College Board recognizes that the digital divide could prevent some low-income and rural students from participating. Working with partners, College Board will invest so that these students have the tools and connectivity they need to review AP content online and take the exam. If your students need mobile tools or connectivity, you can reach out to College Board directly to let them know.
- Keep your Advanced Placement teachers connected by reminding them about the AP Community. AP teachers can learn about ways to support student learning during school closures using this resource.
By: Dr. Damien Sweeney
Source: https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/KYDE/bulletins/2823eb3